Here you can find free printables related to Ramadan. Most things are in A4-format and in PDF-files, and as usual, it's only available for personal use (i.e. NOT for commercial use or re-sell in any way). You'll find the PDF-files that you can download and print from right underneath the pictures.
If you have any questions or have found anything wrong, you're welcome to e-mail me at [email protected]
If you have any questions or have found anything wrong, you're welcome to e-mail me at [email protected]
These printables are new for Ramadan 2020. What you see in the picture above & is available for download below is:
1. Ramadan Chart (similar to what I previously called Ibadah-chart, but this is an updated version)
2. "Ramadan day" poster that is supposed to be either laminated ot put in a plastic pocket, because that makes it possible to write on it with a whiteboard pen each day, and erase what is written to the next day.
3. The "Dua when breaking fast" is a small poster (10x15 centimeters) that can be displayed in the IKEA frame TOLSBY and put on the kitchen table.
4. New 2021: Poster with "Days left until Eid" that you can laminate and then write on with a whiteboard pen each day during Ramadan, to count down the days until Eid.
1. Ramadan Chart (similar to what I previously called Ibadah-chart, but this is an updated version)
2. "Ramadan day" poster that is supposed to be either laminated ot put in a plastic pocket, because that makes it possible to write on it with a whiteboard pen each day, and erase what is written to the next day.
3. The "Dua when breaking fast" is a small poster (10x15 centimeters) that can be displayed in the IKEA frame TOLSBY and put on the kitchen table.
4. New 2021: Poster with "Days left until Eid" that you can laminate and then write on with a whiteboard pen each day during Ramadan, to count down the days until Eid.
New "Good deed of the day" cards (that can for example be put in the pockets of a Ramadan calendar). There are 2 alternatives, either the editable file where you can open the file in Powerpoint or Google Slides & write your own text and choose the font/size/color of the text.
The second alternative is a PDF-file where you can print it and write the good deed by hand.
There is also a poster that you can laminate & write the good deed of the day on each day during Ramadan.
The second alternative is a PDF-file where you can print it and write the good deed by hand.
There is also a poster that you can laminate & write the good deed of the day on each day during Ramadan.
I only made this banner in one size - large - but it's easy to print it in a smaller format. Just choose when printing to print it at 70% for example, instead of 100%, and you'll get a smaller banner!
Something that can be used with these cards:
My suggestions is that you can use the cards above in the link daily during Ramadan as described on the website, and also use them with this workbook in which the child gets to write something about each word in the Qur'an and draw a picture.
My suggestions is that you can use the cards above in the link daily during Ramadan as described on the website, and also use them with this workbook in which the child gets to write something about each word in the Qur'an and draw a picture.
This is a banner with the text "RAMADAN MUBARAK". You can download it by clicking on the file right under this picture; there you'll find the PDF-files with all the letters on them.
After printing all the pages (preferably on thicker paper/photo paper if possible, but it's not a must) you'll have to cut out all the triangles with the letters.
Cut right inside the dark outline of the triangles (the outline is not supposed to be a part of the triangle, it's just there to help with the cutting).
After that, you can make two holes at the top of the triangle with a hole punch. And then get some string or anything that might suit it and thread it through the holes, with the letters in the right order.
A simple countdown calendar until Eid, where the child/children can cross off the days in Ramadan. Next to it you'll find golden stars that you could also print out and cut out and let the kids paste on the different days as they pass if you like!
Fasting tree: A tree where the child can stick a small apple each time the child manages to fast (even if it's only for a very short amount of time!). You'll find the tree and the apples just below this text.
Good deeds-tree: A tree where the child can put small flowers each time the child does a good deed (which can be really simple things). Scroll down to find the tree and the apples.
If you want to, then you can choose to have the different colors of the flowers/apples signify different "levels" of fasting/good deeds. And decide on a "reward" once the child gets a certain amount of apples/flowers on the trees. This year, I've also added an empty tree, in case you'd like to combine both good deeds & fasting on the same tree.
Good deeds-tree: A tree where the child can put small flowers each time the child does a good deed (which can be really simple things). Scroll down to find the tree and the apples.
If you want to, then you can choose to have the different colors of the flowers/apples signify different "levels" of fasting/good deeds. And decide on a "reward" once the child gets a certain amount of apples/flowers on the trees. This year, I've also added an empty tree, in case you'd like to combine both good deeds & fasting on the same tree.
This is a wheel showing the different phases of the moon during Ramadan. You'll have to print the two different pages and then put one of the circles above the other one (more instructions on page 1 below). This is the English version (despite there being Swedish text on two of the example pictures below, the PDF-files are in English!)
A simple chart where the child can cross off the tasks accomplished each day of Ramadan! The difference between the two chart is only in the colors.
Inspiration for this chart comes from this following page, may Allah reward them!
Inspiration for this chart comes from this following page, may Allah reward them!